4 Questions To Ask Your Agricultural Lime Supplier

Posted on: 2 June 2022

Do you intend to purchase agricultural lime? It is an easy way to grow the yield from your farm. The extract below details a few questions to ask your agricultural lime supplier. With luck, you will find it easy to choose a suitable product for your farm. 

1. When Should Farmers Use Lime? 

Most farmers apply lime as a standard practice. However, too much lime could damage the soil structure. Below are several reasons to lime your garden: 

  • When the soil has a calcium or magnesium deficiency. Most liming products are oxides of calcium and magnesium.
  • When your farm has a high acid content. Lime is a base that can lower the acidity of the soil.
  • When you intend to increase water penetration on your farm. For instance, it could be the current crop has higher water demands.
  • When you need a cheap and environmentally friendly way to improve the fertility of your farm. 

2. What Are The Available Types of Lime? 

Calcium carbonate (crushed limestone) is a popular and readily available liming product. On the other hand, calcium oxide (quick lime) comprises burnt limestone. It has a higher pH, hence is not recommended for agricultural use. Dolomite is a rock with high calcium and magnesium carbonate levels. The liming product is multi-functional since it neutralises the soil and improves calcium and magnesium levels. However, use it in moderate quantities since too much calcium and magnesium could damage plants. You could also purchase crushed shells as they contain significant calcium carbonate levels. The downside of crushed shells is that they could be contaminated with sand. Moreover, if the shells are too coarse, they will hardly work. 

3. What Is the Quality of Lime? 

How do you examine the quality of a liming product? First, check its neutralising value. It connotes the product's ability to neutralize the soil. The rule is to go for products with a high NV value. Then assess the fineness of the lime particles. Liming products with fine particles are easy to work with since the lime easily mixes with the soil. Finally, check the calcium or magnesium content of the liming product. It determines whether the lime is suitable for your farm. 

4. Do You Offer Extension Services?

It is pretty challenging to determine the need for lime or the quality of lime required on your farm. Therefore, consider suppliers who conduct soil tests to help you choose the appropriate lime. Suppliers with extensive knowledge in liming products will also inform you which lime is suitable for your crop. Finally, inquire whether the dealer offers shipping services and discounts to customers. 

For more information, contact a local agricultural lime supplier
